Sep 11, 2018 – Back in Action

I’m back!!!


I took a break from for a while to “go into the lab” and work on some areas I desperately needed to improve. I paper traded to close out August and once I got comfortable with how I want to trade my strategy decided to return to live trading in September.


So far, I’ve been green every day with about 80% accuracy. It was 100% until I over-managed my last two trades of the day before making myself stop for the day due to not sticking to the plan. On that note, I could be doing so much better this month had I not been over-managing trades so much. I seriously need to work on that.


My P/L for the month currently sitting at +$500 but could easily be triple that had I not over-managed so many trades.


Anyway, the way ahead for this website, thinking of making some adjustments. Maybe I will do weekly journal entries instead of daily. Or I’m thinking to do a premarket insight daily that could be sent out to anyone who subscribes to the mailing list. Also, thinking of making use of the YouTube channel for the journal recaps, as well as additional content related to strategy building for all corners of the market. My schedule has become a bit busier, so I’m not sure how much time I will have to dedicate to a lot of additional content.


I would love to hear opinions on this, so please let me think by commenting below or email me at You can also DM me on Twitter (link below). Any ideas you have are welcome.


You can see my trades for this month by clicking the image below of my winner for today on NQ.

The only win which I cheated myself on from over-managing. To see details for this and all of my plays for the month, click the image.

For real-time insights follow me on Twitter! @Mv3Trader


Comment below with your opinions and questions.



Mv3 Trader

“Trade Consciously”


Aug 15, 2018 – FOCUS

Premarket Insight

Looking at my charts for the first time today at 07:00 EST, NQ and CL have already taken a significant nose dive, mostly in the Euro market hours. NQ already down more than 58 points (0.79%) which could be the start of the selloff I have been expecting. Hoping this translates well into the morning session after the open bell. As mentioned in my entry yesterday, NQ will be my only focus for today.

One the calendar today, Core Retail Sales (x2) at 08:30 EST and Crude Oil Inventories at 10:30 EST.


COB Recap

As far as my performance today, I pretty much traded like a fish fresh out of water. Took a loss on my first play making a mistake from lack of focus, getting distracted by events happening at home. Then the rest of the day was spent taking small scalps to get back to green. Ended the day with a whole $10!

On another note, after doing a quick recap, noticed my normal strategy wouldn’t have performed much better with the crazy volatility, giving me a bunch of scalps minus the loss. Good thing I updated my entry technique yesterday. Just need to execute it better next time.

Anyway, no complaints overall today. Good to at least have a green day again even if it is only $10.

BTW, CL would have been super easy to trade today. #StoryofMyLife.


Scalp city y’all, scalp, scalp city y’all.
Click the image for more details.



For real-time insights follow me on Twitter! @Mv3Trader


Comment below with your opinions and questions.



Mv3 Trader

“Trade Consciously”


Aug 14, 2018 – This Feels Personal

Premarket Insight

Logging into my platform for the first time today at 08:00 EST, so far volume looks good across the board. Price action of NQ and CL pretty strong, bullish so far. NQ looks to be entering some retracement at this point.

Today’s action could be pivotal, watching yesterday’s low. Could be similar to what happened back in February and March. That volatility would bring in great, much needed, profit potential. And I feel ready more than ever.

Nothing significant on the calendar today.


COB Recap

I know it’s not, but starting to feel like CL got something personal against me. Managed to get me to my three-strike rule right before making the move in the direction I was playing it. And this time I played it perfectly, just kept getting stopped out in a channel. Needless to say, I’m beyond frustrated.

Did better with NQ but took a loss on the last trade as well giving me just $10 profit on the day from being up more than $100. What a day!!!

Tomorrow I will be trading only NQ, mainly due to my low account balance at this point. It’s imperative that I remember to stay consistent tomorrow.


Terrible timing. Click the image for more details.




For real-time insights follow me on Twitter! @Mv3Trader


Comment below with your opinions and questions.



Mv3 Trader

“Trade Consciously”