Jul 12, 2018 – Not Feeling It

Premarket Insight

Turns out yesterday was another day where the strong action was in the afternoon. On my watchlist, currencies (6E, 6B, 6J), crude oil (CL), and gold (GC) sold off hard after the morning session. Actually, they started their initial push after 10:15 EST. Really sucks missing moves like that but I really don’t like trading all day.

So far for today not much has happened with in NQ or CL On the daily NQ looking bullish and for CL some consolidation or additional selloff makes sense today. Staying ready for anything.

On the calendar Core CPI at 08:30 EST.


At the Bell

Took two losses early on CL. Price action is just way too choppy. Then it moved strong bearish a whole 96 points after I decided to stop trading until the open market when there should be more action. I missed two easy plays in that move. FML

NQ taking off bullish at the open from not much action in the premarket.


COB Recap

Made up my losses with a play on NQ buying the dip from the pullback of the bullish move at the open. Then after my 5-minute break between trades, saw I another play that I missed on CL from its pullback bouncing back bearish.

Might just call it a day today with this small win basically just paying for commissions. Not really feeling it today. Before I started trading today I was mentally preparing myself to take losses today but keep trading, however taking those two losses the way I did early really messed me up.

Key to note is I should have made more than $1,000 today had I been focused and taken all the opportunities. Even with the early big losses. Can say the same pretty much for every other day. Have to remember this as I go into each day with a fresh, positive mindset.


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Mv3 Trader

“Trade Consciously”


Jul 11, 2018 – Crude Luck

Premarket Insight

Spent the morning before my trading continuing my study on how I want to do some sort of swing trading currency futures using my Generic Trade account. Came up with some ideas that I will paper trade first before going with live money. Looks solid with back trading.

Volume looks pretty strong in the market this morning (NQ) selling off from yesterday’s doji on the daily chart.

On the calendar today, PPI at 08:30 and Crude Oil Inventories at 10:30. Nothing super exciting but with the volume today there’s a good chance we could see some decent action with Trump’s international activities.


At the Bell

Pretty slow premarket. Caught one on CL in the premarket but only a break even. Holding another through the bell which will probably end in another break-even due to time and me not liking to hold a play through the open.

NQ jumping bullish strong in the first few mins of the open.


COB Recap

Completely forgot about the Crude Oil report and got lucky thanks to discipline as it started to spike like crazy right before 10:30. It hit my target and immediately reversed in the opposite direction.

After that pretty much just ended up watching, missing one on NQ and paper trading a small winner and a small loser between CL and NQ. Almost 11:30 EST at the time of this writing contemplating taking my profits here and calling it a day.

Yep, I’m taking my winnings and going home. Someone told me the market will be open again tomorrow. ?


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For real-time insights follow me on Twitter! @Mv3Trader


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Mv3 Trader

“Trade Consciously”


Jul 10, 2018 – Progress

Premarket Insight

Doing my premarket analysis a bit late today. I was setting up a chartbook for studying in my new platform and had to make sure I still made time for some yoga. At this point, with a new broker, I’m thinking what I will do with my previous broker. The commissions and fees are low, and they are still a good broker, I just don’t like their platform for day trading. I’m starting to study an idea I have for swing trading futures.

For the market, so far volume is pretty normal. Not much has happened on my daily watchlist (NQ & CL). Pretty much a bunch of chopping around. Patterns are still present to signify it could be a pretty interesting day when the crowd comes in.

Only thing on the calendar today is JOLTs Job Openings at 10:00 EST.


At the Bell

Caught one play in the premarket on some choppiness in CL. NQ still bouncing around but did have a bearish play after 07:30 EST that I could have played.

In the first few minutes of the open, NQ looks to be starting a fade as it’s ETF partner QQQ gapped up in the after-hours. Watching to see how far this goes. Was hesitant on another CL play with all the choppiness and missed an entry after the bell.


COB Recap

Market continued to chop around for the better half of the morning, yet I was able to end my day an hour early in the green with 50% accuracy. Even though my profit for the day was small at $205 I’m very happy because it wasn’t too long ago that days like this resulted in a day with a whole heap of red. #Progress


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For real-time insights follow me on Twitter! @Mv3Trader


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Mv3 Trader

“Trade Consciously”