Jun 27, 2018 – Oily Gold

Premarket Insight

A lot of action early today on my watchlist. NQ had a decent bearish push before 05:00 EST, currently down 0.48%. GC and CL also showing some decent movement early.

On the calendar today, Core Durable Goods at 08:30, Pending Home Sales at 10:00, and Crude Oil Inventories at 10:30 EST. Beginning to look as if it will be an interesting day. Have to be focused.

7:56 – Irritated with GC filling me in on a 1 min wick again before quickly stopping me out for a loss. I was just about to remove the order too because it looked as if it wasn’t going to get filled.


At the Bell

Also took a loss on CL with choppiness, which is really my fault because my entry should have been sooner. Late entry was on a false breakout putting me in not such a great position for the open. Going to be locked into the market today, focused on my execution so I will probably not annotate my insight on the 1st ten minutes today. Currently ten minutes to the bell getting everything setup, making sure I am ready to go with no distractions.

However, I will annotate NQ has had a ton of volatility today with great opportunity in both directions. Apparently, seeing messages in RLT’s chatroom, there was news from the treasury depart after 07:30 EST that brought in some strong bulls. Fingers crossed this is translated well into market hours.


COB Recap

Long story short, since I was off emotionally and mentally, I should have just sat out in the market today. Ended up deepening the whole to $560 in the red on the day, mainly due to lack of discipline. I missed an earlier trade which was followed by getting a good fill on another bullish play that I excited too early. Click the link image below to get the play-by-play of the mess I traded myself into today.

I should have been able to easily trade my way back into the green after the bell. I will be paper trading for the rest of the day to get my discipline under control. At this point, lack of discipline is no excuse.


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For real-time insights follow me on Twitter! @Mv3Trader


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Mv3 Trader

“Trade Consciously”


Jun 26, 2018 – Chopped into Regret

Premarket Insight

Another day where volume is looking strong in the market early. At the beginning of my day GC and CL has already had significant moves, both bearish. NQ is pretty much trading sideways in a pullback from yesterday’s big selloff. However, as of 06:20 EST, the volume is already above 50K which is something we haven’t seen consistently in some time.

On the calendar today, CB Consumer Confidence at 10:00 EST.


At the Bell

No trades place in the premarket. Had an order out for CL short but didn’t get filled. NQ bounced around all morning, however my premarket attention should have been there as there were a couple good opportunities after 06:00 EST.

Five minutes in and it looks as if the bears will be controlling the markets again as NQ bounces strong off a key pivot. Today, I am determined not to miss this volatility no matter what.

Another possibility, a retest on yesterday’s gap (see QQQ) could be in the cards for today’s market action. And as always, choppiness is always a possibility. Morale of the story, be ready for everything. (Insight I needed yesterday)


COB Recap

Guess the later was right, Market just chopped along all day and it didn’t help I took some trades like a newbie, missing where I should have got in and chased it, which is definitely not the thing to do on a choppy day. Maybe this will be a day where there is a play during lunch…

Getting out of my emotions though, looking at the big picture, I only chased one time (which is the one that got me in the red for the day), but today’s struggle is simply because it is one of those rare days what my strategy doesn’t work so well. The problem is not with my trading, with the exception of me getting emotional from that last loss.

Could try to recover in the afternoon session but may opt to just step away and get back at it tomorrow unless I can get my emotions under control during lunch.


The play that put me red on the day. Click the image for more details.

For real-time insights follow me on Twitter! @Mv3Trader


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Mv3 Trader

“Trade Consciously”


Jun 20, 2018 – Down But Not Out

Premarket Insight

Normal plan for today, play GC and CL in the premarket, NQ after the bell. Nothing exciting going on this morning. Everything seems to be just business as usual.

On the calendar today is some Fed news right at the bell, should be a very interesting open. Have to make sure I stay disciplined to my 10 min rule even though it went against me yesterday. Also, not as exciting IMO, Existing Home Sales at 10:00 EST.


At the Bell

Had a easy, quick play on CL in the premarket, however GC ate up all of that profit chopping around. On the 1st play got filled in on nasty wick before it proceeded to march back to my stop. In hindsight, probably should have just closed the trade when I saw the wick since I pretty much felt it was going to be a loser.

NQ continued a slow bullish climb into the open before bouncing around a bit at the bell for a nice bull pop that could have given me a scalp. 10-minute rule got me again but I’m sticking with the rule looking at the big picture.


COB Recap

Somehow, I completely forgot about the 10:00 EST news which made sense why the market had no energy. Tons of indecision.

Welp! Took another beating from the market today. But I’m down, not out. Actually, got some good insight from the chatroom I’m a member of (RealLifeTrading) that was pretty much to do the opposite of my normal strategy on super choppy days like this. I reviewed the market with that insight and it was on point!  A major difference between an up/down red day and a green day with ease.

Good thing I had that win with CL earlier to ease the pain a little. I will give the market the victory today and live to fight (trade) another day. Tomorrow. ?


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For real-time insights follow me on Twitter! @Mv3Trader


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Mv3 Trader

“Trade Consciously”