Mismatch Charting – AUG 14, 2020



  • Woke up a few minutes later than usual due to a little sleeping troubles last night
  • Started day off with about a 15 min yoga and meditation session
  • Feeling rested and positive 😊
  • One area of improvement – Neglected to setup my NinjaTrader chart last night with my power range drawings. Had to get that done before the open
  • READY!

Remember the setup DOES NOT have to be PERFECT.


09:32 – Looking choppy out the gate. Not surprising for a Friday. I usually like to not trade aggressive on Fridays

09:35 – Was thinking to go short there before the close of the candle at 167 but my plan is to make trading decisions on closed candles ONLY, so passed. As I’m writing this, I’m reminded why I have that rule by the price action.

09:41 – We can see how wild price action is looking at the 1 min and tick chart.. I’m seeing scalping opportunities, but do to this battle zone we’re trading in I choosing to sit on the sidelines and just wait until things calm down a little.

09:44 – Opening my quad chartbook to get a snapshot of the other markets

09:46 – Looking at next support range at 149 – 138 (ish)

09:50 – Short taken at 150 to ride momentem but didn’t work out the way I would like. Mental stop loss, Could have held it a little longer for a scalp but not worth the risk in my mind. Wanted a pullback to the 160 area..

09:52 – Noticing conflicting Fib lines between Sierra anc NinjaTrader… Let’s see which ones are more relavant. Interestingly my power range lines are drawn identically, hmmm….

10:00 – [THOUGHT] Need to check how detailed I can get with NinjaTrader hot keys.

10:05 – Accidently place and order short with hotkey in Sierra trying to print screen (LUCKY!)

10:08 – As of right now Fib lines on Sierra look more relevant. They’re actually too many lines on NinjaTrader. Need to look into that later.

10:11 – [THOUGHT] BTD has a greater probability of success when near the 20 ma

10:13 – I froze for a second seeing the extra Fib line on NinjaTrader which led to me missing out on this big move short!

10:17 – Gotta figure out a better way to place stop limit orders on NT8. Not a fan of the current setup. Was looking at a breakout trade but couldn’t get order placed fast enough.





Mv3 Trader

“Great Trades Come From Within”


For real-time insight follow me on Twitter! @Mv3Trader

Comment below with your opinions and questions.

Sep 11, 2018 – Back in Action

I’m back!!!


I took a break from mv3trader.com for a while to “go into the lab” and work on some areas I desperately needed to improve. I paper traded to close out August and once I got comfortable with how I want to trade my strategy decided to return to live trading in September.


So far, I’ve been green every day with about 80% accuracy. It was 100% until I over-managed my last two trades of the day before making myself stop for the day due to not sticking to the plan. On that note, I could be doing so much better this month had I not been over-managing trades so much. I seriously need to work on that.


My P/L for the month currently sitting at +$500 but could easily be triple that had I not over-managed so many trades.


Anyway, the way ahead for this website, thinking of making some adjustments. Maybe I will do weekly journal entries instead of daily. Or I’m thinking to do a premarket insight daily that could be sent out to anyone who subscribes to the mailing list. Also, thinking of making use of the YouTube channel for the journal recaps, as well as additional content related to strategy building for all corners of the market. My schedule has become a bit busier, so I’m not sure how much time I will have to dedicate to a lot of additional content.


I would love to hear opinions on this, so please let me think by commenting below or email me at robwill@mv3trader.com. You can also DM me on Twitter (link below). Any ideas you have are welcome.


You can see my trades for this month by clicking the image below of my winner for today on NQ.

The only win which I cheated myself on from over-managing. To see details for this and all of my plays for the month, click the image.

For real-time insights follow me on Twitter! @Mv3Trader


Comment below with your opinions and questions.



Mv3 Trader

“Trade Consciously”


May 15, 2018 – Practice Makes Perfect

Premarket Insight

Spent the night last night thinking about how I can take advantage of this choppy, slow market. Got the idea from RLT Futures chatroom of coming up with a way to scalp. (Major benefit of being part of a community of traders) After developing a solid scalp strategy used the back trading OnDemand feature in TOS to practice and verify validity before I went to sleep and this morning before trading. Will not make any active trades until the market opens today.


At the Bell

Looks like my good ole friends, volume and volatility, are returning to the market. During premarket action NQ had a major drop of 50+ points (200 ticks). Expecting things to be very interesting in the market today. Long term, wondering how far this pullback goes…


COB Recap

Bears continued strong into first hour of market. Was expecting some sort of pullback since it pushed so hard premarket, which never happened, so missed a couple good scalping opportunities. Proof that no matter what you are never smarter than the market.

Hindsight, could have just traded normally today with the volatility and volume returning to what’s been normal this year. However, did manage to get some small wins resulting in a green day. Also, using Trading View, took a paper trade going against the trend, testing the strength of my scalp strategy. See the results below:


Mv3 Trader