Sierra Chart Review – Trading and Charting Platform

Sierra Chart is one of the most comprehensive trading platforms on the market. This platform provides a ton of features that any retail trader can use to trade Futures, Forex, and CFDs like a pro. Sierra Chart is by far my favorite trading platform (with TradingView a close second) that I could easily go for days with this Sierra Chart review explaining the reasons why, but I’ll try to keep this article short.

I have used several platforms, including Thinkorswim, TradingView, Generic Trade, and more. After giving the Sierra Chart platform a try when changing brokers to AMP Futures, I fell in love instantly and haven’t looked back since.

At the end of this article are videos where I give an overview and tips on the Sierra Chart platform. You can check it out after reading this short article, or you can skip the read and go straight to the videos.

Loads of Good

For me, Sierra Chart was like combining everything I loved about other platforms I have used into one. Before finding this platform, my setup consisted of various platforms that I would reference in order to trade and make decisions. Now, I can conveniently do everything I need, (trading, back testing, etc) all from one platform.

Plus, one of my favorite things about this platform is how lightweight it is, even with the robust functionality of the system. Coupled with AMP Futures, I have full flexibility to analyze years of data at my discretion.

Features Galore

Here is a list of some of the key features this platform has to offer.

  • Stable and Highly Customizable
  • Highly Customizable Charts
  • Basic and Advanced Back-testing Functionality
  • Highly Customizable Alerts
  • Full List of Studies, Indicators, and Drawing Tools
  • Automated Trading Using Spreadsheets or Studies
  • Chart and DOM Trading
  • Advanced Custom Studies, Indicators, and Trading Systems
  • Supports Numerous Data and Trading Services
  • Supports Stocks, Futures, Currencies/Forex and Options
  • Excellent Comprehensive Documentation

Click here for a full list of features and pricing.

The above list is just to highlight some of the key features of the Sierra Chart platform. There are so many ways to customize the system I could literally write a series of books on the platform. BUT, instead of writing books, I decided to cover some of those features in a video series.

The first of this series of videos gives an overview of the system and how I personally use the platform. I will be continuously posting videos about the Mv3Trader channel that can be found here.

The Not So Good

As with anything else, with the good there has to come some “bad”. With so many bells and whistles, this platform can be a bit overwhelming, especially to a newbie. It takes a bit of time to get used to all the different elements and features of the system. While you definitely don’t need to use every inch of the platform to get the job done, there is a learning curve to getting a feel for the system depending on how you like to trade.

While I haven’t needed to use it as of yet, I have heard some not so good reviews about their support. They do not have phone or chat support to help when you are stuck with something. Most support for this system is achieved through their forum. While their help documentation can pretty much assist with most of the issues you will run into, not everyone is a fan of reading through technical documentation to solve a simple problem.

On that note, their documentation is not very user-friendly either. As mentioned above, you have to be a fan of reading since there are no video tutorials or visual references to help the user understand the material easily.

Video Reviews and Tips

This is one of the main reasons I decided to make a Sierra Chart video series. I don’t mind reading the documentation or figuring something out through trial and error. I’ve learned a lot about the platform since I started using it and I’m still learning new things.

Below is a series of videos where I cover Sierra Chart. These videos can help you get started with the platform. In the future I will be adding to this series, going into more details about various features of Sierra Chart, so stay tuned for more!


Jul 13, 2018 – Saved by the Oil

Premarket Insight

Getting started a bit late today in terms of looking at what’s going on with my daily playlist. Spent all morning back trading working on my strategy for currencies. Currently just focusing on Euro forex futures (6E). May go live with this strategy soon in my Generic Trade account since this strategy will be more hands off. Kind of like swing trading intra-day.

Speaking of Europe, NQ and CL has had decent bearish moves in the European market hours starting after 02:00 EST. There’s nothing on the calendar today, but as I mentioned Monday, today starts the Q2 earnings season with major banks reporting today. Should be enough to bring some volatility in the market. Maybe the S&P (ES) more than others. As always, staying ready for anything.

Goal today is to trade fearlessly, taking every opportunity I can catch based off my strategy.


At the Bell

Didn’t catch any action in the premarket. CL took off for what could have been a winner right at the start of my day. Mixed earnings reports from the banks resulted in a lot of indecision from the ring of the bell. Volume is present but seems as if the volatility started the weekend early.


COB Recap

Got back in the green with my last play on CL. Stopped taking plays on NQ after the 2nd loss and realizing there was too much indecision in the market. Would have really helped if I would have been paying attention and caught the short play I saw after my first 10-minutes rule. Was too focused on the CL play I was in.

Decided to stop trading around 11:25 and good thing since there were no more good moves. Ending the week in the green $660 growing the new account 44%. Time to enjoy the weekend. ?

Have a great weekend everyone!


The play that saved the day. Click the image for more detail.



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Mv3 Trader

“Trade Consciously”