Premarket Insight
Typical Friday, things got going strong early in the Asian market hours, bears all over my watchlist (Futures NQ, CL, GC, and 6E). Doing my volume check around 07:00 EST volume is the strongest it has been all week.
Nothing significant on the calendar today, but with headlines about Turkish economy and Fed inflation with this strong volume there should be some significant volatility in the market today. Regardless, my focus today is to be aggressive with discipline and consistency.
At the Bell
Leading up to the bell, NQ bounced sideways in a decent tradable channel. CL brought out the bulls strong, doubling the bearish move from the Asian hours.
QQQ gapping down (of course) to open the market. Yesterday, in RLT’s afternoon swing room, there was a prediction of bulls today if QQQ gapped down. Let’s see how it turns out. In the first 5 minutes the bulls came right in.
COB Recap
Simply got slaughtered while NQ bounced in a channel. Was consistent and disciplined with my NQ trades but today was just not a good day for my strategy. Hit my third strike right at lunch so no more trading for me today.
Got a good one on CL but after the frustrating loss on my first play over-managed what would have been a successful target hit. Instead, just took 2 scalps that did very little for my P/L today.
Beyond frustrated with the market and myself!

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Mv3 Trader
“Trade Consciously”