Premarket Insight
Another day of low volume. NQ kept climbing higher but has yet to reach new all-time highs. Again expecting some pullback before breaking into new territory, but what do I know? LOL
Nothing significant on the calendar today to help push the market in any direction. At most, I will be paper trading GC in the premarket again today.
At the Bell
NQ (Nasdaq) started its pullback after 8:30 EST. GC had a nice bullish run after crossing the 100K volume mark, resulting in a successful paper trade premarket.
First 10 mins of market open, just some ping pong action, virtually unplayable.
COB Recap
Took an early L from being too aggressive on entry. Made it back plus some when the market finally decided on a direction, the pullback action I was expecting.
Then proceeded to take 2 more Ls on robot trades as the price continued to chop around. Trying to not get frustrated, but it’s challenging.
Later, was able to return to flat on the day when the market bounced back bullish. Click the image below to get more details from my TraderVue journal.

Comment below with your opinions and questions.
Mv3 Trader
“Trade Consciously”