Aug, 7 2018 – Instant Replay

Premarket Insight

Getting to my desk somewhat late today (already 09:00 EST…). Markets climbed a bit in the Asian market hours, but pretty much flat ever since reaching that max.

Putting CL back on the playlist today since my rule breaking debt has been paid. Lucky I didn’t miss a super huge move yesterday.

On the calendar today, JOLTs Job Openings at 10:00 EST.


At the Bell

Both NQ and CL got off to a very strong start in the first 5 minutes, of course the time I cannot trade based off my rule. But it’s still early so I’m sure there will be plenty of more opportunities to come. Have to stay relaxed and patient like yesterday.



COB Recap

Almost 100% identical to yesterday, market was super choppy and consolidation in the first two hours. Right when things started taking off in my favor got filled on an NQ play, but I guess because of the way I had the orders set up to get filled either way it went, my platform got confused and cancelled my stop for the one I got filled in. Too me a while to get myself together and manage it manually using the flatten feature to make sure I got out of the trade properly.

Then I forgot to reset my trade menu back to the strategy and ended up getting back into another trade without a stop or target. Again, manually exited that trade before deciding to at a minimum take a break so I’m not trading in my emotions. Maybe I will be done for the day since it’s almost my normal stop time but on days like these we usually see good movement during lunch or in the afternoon.

I was down a lot but those 2 scalps and finally catching a win on CL patched up my wounds a little. These last couple of days have been just horrible. I didn’t trade perfectly today but overall, I’m pleased with my performance compared to last Friday.


Click the image for more details.



For real-time insights follow me on Twitter! @Mv3Trader


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Mv3 Trader

“Trade Consciously”


Aug 8, 2018 – Just Relax

Premarket Insight

This weekend just enjoyed time with family and didn’t look at a chart once. I find enjoying other areas of life is a great way to clear the mind for a fresh restart after having a very disappointing day like Friday. I know my mistakes and what I need to do. I’m ready. Yesterday is not today.

This week, the U.S. – China “trade war” continues, U.S. Inflation data on Friday, and the last major wave of earnings throughout the week. Today, nothing significant listed on the calendar.


At the Bell

NQ’s price action was all over the place in the first 15 minutes, so no trades placed so far. Waiting for a cleaner, more rational entry based strictly off my strategy.


COB Recap

Another red day, but I’m very pleased with how it went. I stayed patient and discipline. The market was just not on my side today and it’s okay. It was actually a very relaxed day. Feels like I traded the same as I would have as if I was paper trading. Small loss and satisfying seeing my confidence growing.


Click the image for more details.



For real-time insights follow me on Twitter! @Mv3Trader


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Mv3 Trader

“Trade Consciously”


Aug 3, 2018 – Twilight Trading

Premarket Insight

Still trying to mentally recover from my complete spacing out on a ton of profit yesterday. So far, today seems like a normal Friday. No major headlines. Just a few more earnings but nothing major. And the volume as of 07:30 EST is relatively normal.

On the calendar today, Nonfarm Payrolls and Unemployment Rate at 08:30 EST, and ISM Non-Manufacturing PMI at 10:00 EST.


At the Bell

Paper traded in the premarket just to satisfy my boredom, and good thing because neither trade worked out. A lot of chop leading up to the bell after 08:00 EST.

The first 10 minutes was more slightly bearish chop without a clean entry, so no plays taken. Need to remember to stay disciplined to my strategy and not let the failure of yesterday carry over into today.


COB Recap

Writing this in hindsight, way after the fact, because this is another day where I almost didn’t post. I had a little study/practice session of the morning session after I completely bombed the day losing $970!!! After I got my emotions back under control, wanting to destroy my office from my trading struggles of the day, I looked back at my trades and realized I made a lot of mistakes.

Basically, I made things way more complicated than it needed to be, especially on a difficult day as today. Then I capped the day off by breaking my three-strikes rule on CL, revenge trading with FOMO. As a result, I cannot take any trades (including paper trades) on CL Monday, plus a move that would be a loser to make up for the extra loss I had today.

At the end of my back trading in my platforms replay mode, I actually should have had a green day (smh). Why do I love to learn lessons the hard way? Gots-ta-do mo betta!


To end this on a positive note, it was still a green week! 🙂


The rule breaking trade. Click the image for more details.



For real-time insights follow me on Twitter! @Mv3Trader


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Mv3 Trader

“Trade Consciously”