7 Ways to Accelerate Your Stock Market Trading Success

Anyone can join a broker, click a few buttons and start trading stocks. They might even make a few bucks here and there, but inevitably this approach to trading is not sustainable. If it were, we’d all be throwing rockstar parties on our private Hawaiian islands and hanging Leonardo Da Vinci diagrams in our bathrooms by now.

95% of all traders will never see their mega millionaire dreams come true. What sets the remaining 5% apart is their disciplined approach to trading as a life-long learning process.

Whether you’re a beginner just getting started with trading, or have hit a rut and are getting back to the basics, here are some helpful tips to set you up for success:

1. Do your homework

Like any skill, becoming an expert trader takes time and repetition. You may be tempted to get into explosive stocks on earnings news without doing your homework first, ignoring position size and failing to set stop losses; but this risky type of trading can lead to disaster. Becoming a winning trader is about increasing your probability of success by improving your win ratio and minimizing your losses.

Build your watchlists, set your targets and calculate your risk on every trade. Journal about your trades, paying special attention to how well you’re managing risk. Take note of any gaps in your learning and document bad trading habits that are costing you money.

The great news is there are tons of free tools and resources to help you. Most brokers offer free charting tools. Platforms like TradingView allow you to analyze and replay stocks in real-time.

2. Study, study, study

Start small and scale up by choosing 3-4 types of stocks and patterns you like to trade. Get to know the ins and outs of those trades by studying chart patterns every single day. Familiarize yourself with how market indexes, sectors and stocks influence each other; and then watch the market move.

Studying chart pattern flashcards can be a great way to build the muscle memory necessary to spot patterns on the fly and greatly reduce the amount of time it takes to get in and out of trades. Read books to supercharge your learning. Long-time swing trader Paul Singh has an extensive list of 21 books that taught him how to trade.

Podcasts like Chat with Traders is a great way to hear from experts and become familiar with proven trading strategies.

3. Pick a learning strategy and stick to it

The world of trading is vast, from cryptocurrencies to forex, scalping, earnings, biotechs, micro futures, technical analysis, longing and shorting; the list goes on and on. With so many different types of stocks and trading methodologies available, finding your own rhythm can feel overwhelming. This is where a strategy comes into play.

Your approach to trading will be personal, depending on your lifestyle and goals. Whether you’re seeking instant gratification and income with day trading, or building long-term wealth with an IRA, a trading strategy can help you navigate the noise. Your trading plan should include your goals and objectives; approach to risk management; personal trading rules; and a routine for getting in and out of trades. The key is to create consistency in your learning by following a specific methodology and sticking to it.

4. Form a study group

Trading can be much more fun and rewarding with others. Form a study group of 3-4 serious traders to exchange learnings and share best practices. Find a partner to help keep you accountable to your trading strategy.

Follow your favorite traders on Twitter, or join a trading community, like StockTwits, to stay in-the-know of trending stocks. Be cautious about getting trapped into stocks that are hyped up in trading chat rooms. Rely on your own research and gut instinct to make trading decisions.

5. Work hard, play harder

There are no shortcuts to becoming a successful trader. You may become an overnight sensation by luck of the draw; but you can just as easily blow up an account by not learning and practicing the fundamentals. You have to put in the hard work; and sometimes that means staying up late at night to build your watchlists; waking up early in the morning to watch premarket action; or spending your weekend charting patterns. The more prepared you are, the faster you’ll be able to make decisions, and the more confident you’ll be with managing your trades.

6. Practice makes perfect

Now that you’ve studied your charts, done your homework and built your trading

strategy, you’re ready to start trading. Keep practicing winning habits to increase your probability of success.

Sign up for a trading simulator. This will allow you to make mistakes and adjust your

strategy without the emotions that come along with having real money on the line. Remember, there is no rush to lose money. It’s better to be out of a stock and wishing you were in, than in a stock wishing you were out.

7. Drop outs don’t get the degree

No successful trader has won 100% of their trades. You will win some, and you will lose some. Stick with it! Take note of your wins and why they were successful. Journal your losses and how you can mitigate them. Manage your risk so you can stay in the game. Persevere through the downside until you see the upside. Never, ever give up.

The bottom line

If you want to make money as a trader, it’s going to take hard work and perseverance. As the stock market evolves with time, there are always new trends emerging. COVID-19 has brought with it a wave of volatility in the stock market that’s now being dubbed “The Kangaroo Market,” where stocks hop up and down between uptrends and downtrends over a period of time. You want to understand the fundamentals of how the market works so you can quickly adjust your trading strategy to take advantage of these new opportunities to make money.

With the right approach to learning, continuous study and consistent risk management, trading can be fun and profitable.

Get out there and crush it!

For real-time insight follow me on Twitter! @Mv3Trader

Comment below with your opinions and questions.

Recession Proof Passive Income

UnitWE Community Gifting Opportunity

Traders! Friends and Family!

I have a very special opportunity I would like to share with you! 

Are you excited to get started with your trading (and/or investing) journey, but just don’t have the cash to comfortably risk taking losses while you develop into a consistently profitable trader? This opportunity will give you a consistent stream of cash for as long as you want!

What’s required to take advantage of this opportunity?

Well, the short answer is $500 and a positive, sharing attitude. In return you will receive up to $63,000 in as little as 21 days, which you can repeat as many times as you want! I don’t know about you, but I have not found any other investment with such an incredible return! And I have been studying wealth generation and the wealthy for a very long time.

Now I could go deeper but it would be more beneficial to watch the presentation below which lays everything out clearly from people who are more experienced than I am. After you watch the presentation you can email me at unitwe@mv3trader.com and I will direct you on the next step.


In addition to the presentation, the community also holds weekly conference calls which you can ask any questions you may have to ensure you are fully knowledgeable on how everything works.

Now, this opportunity is open for anyone who is trustworthy and has a positive attitude. It’s a way for anyone to earn consistent passive income which could be used to pay bills, become debt free, create generational wealth, and anything else which contributes to financial freedom.

So why am I introducing it to traders as a way of obtaining capital to fund your trading account?

It is no secret that one of the biggest hurdles to becoming consistently profitable in the stock market is the fear of losing money. Imagine if you had an abundant flow of extra cash on a monthly basis for the rest of your life, guaranteed! How fearful would you be of taking a few losses while watching your trading account grow on top of multiple sources of income, flowing to you every single month? 

Chances are you wouldn’t be fearful at all, and the anxiety that would keep you from pulling the trigger on the perfect setup would be non-existent. 

Additionally, this opportunity will provide you a safety-net through any economic downturn or recession. 

As of this writing, 2020 has been one hell of a ride, putting millions of families in a financial bind from lay-offs, furloughs, and collapsing businesses all over the world. And the way it’s looking so far, things don’t seem to be getting better any time soon.

You will effectively secure the financial freedom for you and your family no matter what turn of events we experience through the rest of this year and beyond.


If you’re excited and eager to join and get started, just email me at unitwe@mv3trader.com and I will direct you on the next step.