Jul 27, 2018 – Caught Up

Premarket Insight

Another day of earnings down… and not a thing to show for it. This has been the most uneventful earnings season I’ve seen since I started day trading. AMZN earnings were released with very positive results yesterday but it did very little to move the market. Even in the after hours, Nasdaq Futures (NQ) only climbed 30 points (0.46%) at its peak with was only a touch and drop.

All this after the market was virtually dead yesterday during market hours, trading sideways with analysts over-hyping the tiny dip off FB earnings. Listening to CNBC would have something thinking the market dropped a whole 100%. Note to self, only listen to market news for pure entertainment. (That’s what it is anyway)

Looking forward, more earnings on the dock today with TWTR making headlines early as “sinking sharply”, which is actually very accurate, dropping 10 points in the premarket from disappointing earnings report.

Also, plenty more to bring some reviving life into the market with continued trade talk between U.S. and China, Crude Oil, and GDP to be release at 08:30 EST. Keeping a positive outlook on the day ahead.


At the Bell

Too much information dealing with earnings, GDP and Trump news kept me out of the premarket action, which is a good thing since the result was a whole heap of up/down action.

Major selloff in the opening 10 minutes after the bell but didn’t fit the setup I look for so no trade. Patience and good execution is the name of the game for me today.



COB Recap

The selloff continued, and I was able to catch some love once my indicators finally caught up. Took some hits on CL’s choppiness but made it all up with a nice continuation play on NQ. After that and seeing how my strategy was slowly reacting to the market, decided to call it a day early and just end the week on a positive note.

Have a great weekend everyone!


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Mv3 Trader

“Trade Consciously”


Jul 26, 2018 – Earnings Galore

Premarket Insight

Yea… So… Yesterday’s afternoon didn’t quite play out so well for me. Market surprised me with a super strong bullish pop on the US-EU trade news, thanks Trump, which I missed all of. Almost caught one last pop but too slow. Then on a disappointing FB earnings, not a thing happened only catching a scalp before the market was halted due to major 50-point selloff off from the earlier surge. Oh well, there will be plenty of more trades to take. Should be interesting how this affects the market today.

Other than that, more earnings are on deck to be released today with 74 of the big names coming from the S&P before the open to include McDonalds (MCD), Mastercard (MA), and Southwest Airlines (LUV). However, what will most likely be in most traders’ sights today is Amazon (AMZN) to be released after the closing bell. Coming off the NASDAQ, Amazon will have plenty of company from Starbucks (SBUX), Electronic Arts (EA), Chipotle (CMG) and more.

On the calendar today, Core Durable Goods Orders at 08:30 EST, which I’m assuming will not make an significant impact to the market today with today’s earnings lineup.


At the Bell

Coming off two days where I stopped trading too soon, missing moves that would have turned my red into green, my main focus today will be taking every good setup until lunch. This is why I opted not to take any premarket trades, conserving that focus and energy for the normal U.S. market hours.

I’m at a point now where I’m confident enough in my strategy to where I should be able to find success in a strong trend or indecision. Physical fitness done. Meditation complete. Positive vibes and outlook.


COB Recap

Got off to a crazy start! First two trades resulted in a profit of $20 for the day before I realized they were place on my paper trading side. (LOL) The one and only time I’ve ever been happy I did not hit my target on a trade.

After I got my platform together to trade from my live account, only took two scalps on NQ in a very slow grind as the market wasn’t moving anywhere. CL was also low on energy, barely trading in a tight range, lulling me to sleep before it finally popped around 10:40 EST, in which I missed. Taking my small profits here just for the green and I will be back later for the AMZN earnings report. Good to finally see some green on the screen after a long cold streak.


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Mv3 Trader

“Trade Consciously”


Jul 25, 2018 – Needs Improvement

Premarket Insight

Getting started a bit late today with workout and tending to other business, but it’s ok because I was planning on going live trading at the bell.

So far, NQ and CL (my playlist for today) price action is a bit choppy but directional. Light volume for NQ today, relative to recent days as of 08:30 EST. However, with US-EU trade talks and earnings from Facebook, Boeing and plenty of others, there is plenty of reason for the markets to move significantly today.

On the calendar, New Home Sales at 10:00 EST.


At the Bell

After digging deeper into the news and seeing disappointing results from premarket earnings reports, markets may be a bit stale on this light volume until the FB report after the close. Approaching the bell, NQ is trading in about a 20-point range.


COB Recap

Sigh… The cold streak continues with another round of choppiness. Some poor executions and missed opportunities resulted in another day in the red down $300.  Completely got thrown off my game with all the up/down action. Will be another afternoon session of getting in practice shots for me. #NextTime

I may play the Facebook earnings report after the close. Results will be posted in tomorrows journal entry if that happens.


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Mv3 Trader

“Trade Consciously”