Premarket Insight
Logging into my platform today, GC and CL looking a bit choppy again like yesterday trending nicely on the daily chart. GC trending bearish and CL bullish. Primary focus is on CL which seems to be more stable lately, unlike GC that keeps filling me on 1 min super wicks.
My main focus today will be trading with discipline regardless what instrument I trade. Need major improvement on my exit discipline, which is what I have been working on since yesterday’s afternoon session. Had I traded in the morning session the way I did in the afternoon with paper money, yesterday would have been green.
On the calendar today, GDP report at 08:30 EST. Volume so far is strong, but I have no predictions how this may affect the market volatility, if at all.
At the Bell
Got a little cushion in the premarket with CL. Had two plays, one win and one loss, making a mistake on the first and making it up on the second. Right before the open, strong volume in the market (NQ) with good volatility. Could be another day of good selloff which has started in the premarket. Have to remember to stay prepared for anything.
COB Recap
Ended the morning session the way I started, taking another win and loss on NQ breaking even. Took a loss on a false breakout which in retrospect was not a good place to enter. Made it up on the bearish side with a quick scalp, made possible by the one and only discipline!
Not a big green day, yet a huge day for my trading as all of my plays were disciplined even though I made some mistakes being a little too aggressive. Actually, I got frozen with all the choppiness and missed a couple of good opportunities that would have significantly changed the tone of my green day. Good to see the volatility back in the market though. It would be nice if the volatility was directional.

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Mv3 Trader
“Trade Consciously”