Premarket Insight
Would love to have a great day today, but being realistic I’m not expecting to end the month in the green being so far in the red. Had I traded slightly different Friday and yesterday things would be different, but it is what it is.
Today, all eyes are on AAPL with it earnings report after the closing bell. I’ll decide later if I will try to play that or not. I haven’t been too impressed with earnings this quarter.
Other than that, there’s nothing significant on the calendar today and no other headlines pop out from what I checked to cause a stir in the market today. Just business as usual. Again, starting my trading after the open bell.
At the Bell
NQ opening bullish after some slight activity in the premarket. CL finally came out of the premarket chop strong bearish. I paper traded it successfully. NQ started about ten minutes before the bell with a strong bull move that continued in the first five minutes of the open. I wouldn’t be surprised to see some pullback from the strong drop of the last couple trading days.
COB Recap
Stopped trading after my successful trade on NQ hitting my target at 10:20 EST, bringing my P/L for the day to $520. With all the struggles recently didn’t want to give any of that up even if that meant missing out on a trade later on. Feeling like it’s better to end the month strong to carry over into the new trading month with a confidence boost.
At the end of the day, had I kept trading would have had one loss and one more win moving my P/L up another $200 on NQ. Could have had more losses CL so I’m not sweating it one bit. I just paper traded to scratch the itch (lol). Not a bad way to end a rough month. August is mine!!!

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Mv3 Trader
“Trade Consciously”