Sep 14, 2018 – Follow the Plan

Premarket Insight

Contract month rollover for many futures today. Indices (NQ, ES, YM, etc) as well as currency futures rolling over to Z (December). Not much action in the after hours leading up to the Retail Sales report at 08:30 ET. From my watchlist, NQ and GC got a slight bump in European market hours. Volume is a bit lighter than we’ve seen so far this month, more than likely due to the contract rollovers.

On the calendar today, Double Retail Sales reports at 08:30 ET.


COB Recap

Long story short, had a plan, let fear based off surprising price action get me away from my plan, got off to a bad start and had to climb my way back from not so much of a bad loss in a choppy market. Even with all the chop should have been green but it is what it is. After taking clawing my way back bit-by-bit to under $100 in the whole decided to just throw in the towel and keep myself in the green for the month. There’s still two weeks left in the month. I can make it up next week.

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

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Mv3 Trader

“Trade Consciously”