Jul 25, 2018 – Needs Improvement

Premarket Insight

Getting started a bit late today with workout and tending to other business, but it’s ok because I was planning on going live trading at the bell.

So far, NQ and CL (my playlist for today) price action is a bit choppy but directional. Light volume for NQ today, relative to recent days as of 08:30 EST. However, with US-EU trade talks and earnings from Facebook, Boeing and plenty of others, there is plenty of reason for the markets to move significantly today.

On the calendar, New Home Sales at 10:00 EST.


At the Bell

After digging deeper into the news and seeing disappointing results from premarket earnings reports, markets may be a bit stale on this light volume until the FB report after the close. Approaching the bell, NQ is trading in about a 20-point range.


COB Recap

Sigh… The cold streak continues with another round of choppiness. Some poor executions and missed opportunities resulted in another day in the red down $300.  Completely got thrown off my game with all the up/down action. Will be another afternoon session of getting in practice shots for me. #NextTime

I may play the Facebook earnings report after the close. Results will be posted in tomorrows journal entry if that happens.


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Mv3 Trader

“Trade Consciously”