Premarket Insight
Today, seeing decent volume early on everything except NQ (Nasdaq Futures), even though NQ’s volume is higher than it has been all week at this time. GC (Gold Futures) has already had a decent pop early but could possibly be continuing high after this pullback.
Nothing significant on the calendar today to be aware of.
At the Bell
Not much at all happened premarket. Only caught a whole $10 of a struggling GC play bearish, getting out from the action of the 1 and 5 min candles.
More indecision as the market opens, NQ bouncing slightly bullish in a channel in the first 15 minutes. A lot of bearish sentiment from traders on various social platforms today, expecting another flash crash. However, this looks like a good place for the market to bouncing after yesterday’s selloff. Keeping my mind open for anything.
COB Recap
Stopped early today, as I took 3 losses back-to-back putting me down more than 2R on the day. Losses led to frustration and nothing good has ever came from trading while frustrated. Can get back at it next week. Still green for the week, so it is what it is.
Have a great weekend!

Comment below with your opinions and questions.
Mv3 Trader
“Trade Consciously”